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The Clean Air Partnership is a registered charity, founded in 2000. Our mission is to work with partners to achieve clean air, facilitate the exchange of ideas, advance change and promote and coordinate implementation of actions that improve local air quality.

CAP and 2014

Hello and Happy New Years to you and yours from Clean Air Partnership!

This may be 7 days late, but Happy New Years to all of you out there. What New Years resolutions has everyone decided and stuck with so far?

new year forrest gump lieutenant dan

But in seriously, Clean Air Partnership is excited for 2014 as each new year brings the promise of change and the possibility of better things to come. A new year is also a great time to highlight past actions that have benefited us within the environmental and ecological field.

From us here at CAP, one of our New Years resolution is be more active on this blog and our other social media platforms. This year, we promise to bring you environmental news from in and around the GTA and globally, as each event or legislation impacts all of us one way or another. If you aren’t following us on Twitter, just click on the link below. Also, feel free to sign up for CAP’s eNewsletter as we bring you news about what is happening in the GTA.

So here’s to another great 12 months, and another full year to make an impact within our communities.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CleanAirGTA

eNews Signup: http://www.cleanairpartnership.org/e-news-signup

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